Thanks for your interest in the lab! We are located in Hill Pavilion, on Penn’s main campus in Philadelphia. If you are interested in joining the lab, please send me an email with the following:

Undergraduates: Please let me know your major, year, and why you are interested in the group!

Graduate students:
We take graduate students through the established graduate programs at the University of Pennsylvania. If you are interested in the lab, I encourage you to apply to one of the Penn graduate programs, and contact me about doing a rotation after you’ve been accepted. We are affiliated with the Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology Program, the Genomics and Computational Biology Program, and the Biology Graduate Program. If you’ve been accepted into a different, related, graduate program at U Penn and would like to chat about rotating, feel free to reach out. In your email, please tell me which graduate program you are in, a bit about your background, and when you are hoping to rotate. Please attach a CV or resume, and let me know why you’re interested in the lab! We do not take direct admit students.

Post-docs: Tell me a bit about what your PhD work was about, what it showed/contributed to the field, and why you are interested in the lab. Please also include a CV and names of 3 references, as well as your approximate timeline for finishing your PhD/starting in the group.


Louise Moncla
H318 Hill Pavilion
380 South University Ave.
Philadelphia, PA, 19104